Friday, August 8, 2008

patience, the little virtue that is left unpracticed.
do you laugh for being silly?
or do you want to jump off the building?
yellow bricks are unfashionable here.
so don't follow your heart. at least, not here.
you'd lose a metal.
sliding down tree branches, they ain't smooth, that's certain.
may I drop from high and fall through freezing clouds.
suspended from fear, for that little while;
yes, I can have the patience to die.
there're no sound checks in real enactments.
but who's really paying attention, in that strict sense?
I will walk here. As I like it.
but I can't, the stones are hindering me.
maybe I'll build a house for my memories.
I can't choose the material though.
I may just have to settle for ready-mades.
But (bio)degradable.
I hardly talk. but who notices these things?
maybe I don't need birthdays; excuses to indulge in being remembered.
take a little bow, the performance is never about yourself.
you're gorgeous today. as always.
remember to tidy your bed.
i forgot to make myself a cup of tea.
maybe we're all on collective high.
but I can live with it.
I'm living now right?
maybe the answer is better answered when you're walking in the rain.
but no grail can hold that amount of pour.
how widespread is the virus?
potency is not determined by the number it kills,
but by the number of laughing people.
i'll wait for hell to be a little more honest.

then maybe I'll find alternatives to horizontals and verticals.
i refuse to rise.

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