Tuesday, August 26, 2008


There are two cardinal human vices, from which all the others derive their being: impatience and carelessness. Impatience got people evicted from Paradise; carelessness kept them from making their way back there. Or perhaps there is only one cardinal vice: impatience.

a later sentence was striked off.

I had never felt more impatient till now.
and that is all I can say for that matter.


this is a dangerous terrain to thread. At least I'm not ready to publicly talk about it.
But how apt #3 should appear today. how very appropriate.
it's not getting easier.
everything has this muddled sense of half-assed frivolity that I cannot name them.
ah yes, so what if this is this and that and that?
there's always another death in the process to undermine the living.
I can't remember when I started to have bad eyesight.
I can't remember why and when I started to speak so softly.
I can't remember when my hearing deteriorated.
shoo! lest the flies come to you too.

do not read existentialism.

she , are.
do not read.

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