Tuesday, June 24, 2008

actively I am writing.
belatedly I am thinking.
carefully the night tires me.
dreadfully the day caresses me.
eccentrically another day passes.
freakily I live another day.
gently this wind cools me.
hastily this rain went as it came.
irkingly I am passive.
jokingly I am active.
kindly my breath continues.
lovingly the earth nourishes me.
merely a long vacation.
newly reborn after a passage of change.
openly nothing has changed.
peacefully suffer the duration.
quietly say nothing.
restfully nothing really happens.
scarcely he leaves me untouched.
thankfully i still live
usually homesick
viciously repeating
wistfully running
xenophobically greet the other
youthfully meet the Other
zealously dying.

there is always an egocentric sequence at work.

1 comment:

darkmuze said...

arrestingly bold coloured defined effort. Love it.